Happy New year from our family to you and yours. Oh what a year the last one was...so let us hope for a great 2021.
Hoping for a "great" 2021 does not mean I expect perfection, or even assume life will miraculously turn back to the way it was, but just that we will all learn to find joy and peace no matter what 2021 holds.
2020 held a lot of shattered dreams, heart break and uncertainty. 2020 also held a ton of good. It held out to us the opportunity to slow life down. It gave us the chance to be quiet, to reflect. It gave our family time together, nurturing things that matter the most to us. It also presented a huge opportunity to pivot and problem solve in life as well as business.
Comfort zones are an actual factual thing, would you not agree? It is easy to fall into them, and easier yet to just stay exactly where we fall. Like it is with any rut, it is a lot easier to pop out of them when we are bumped or pushed. I feel like 2020 was the push Petals and Stems needed. The push that got us to take workshops online, the push that forced us to create a YouTube channel, the push that had me videoing myself with my little iPhone working through a workshop for our clients to do from home. 2020 also was the bump that had us set up an online store for the winter season, and learn to set up the website in a way that could serve you more efficiently.
Those transitions were not all perfectly articulated, and they were not always executed perfectly, however, we did what we had to do. Collectively as a family we faced what came so we could continue to serve you, and to provide smiles in spite of all the crazy.
I love this quote "difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations". During the difficult we are forced to see what we are made of, we are forced to see what we are capable of, we are forced to go forward even when we may not feel like we can. With time, with mistakes, with continuing, there comes confidence and growth.
The quote does not say that every road is full of beauty, but instead that the road leads to beauty. So 2020, I want to thank you for being a little messy, and little tough and bumpy, as it showed us where we needed to put our attention so the end product could hold something of value and be worth while for all our people, like you.
On top of all of this, I, on the behalf of all our family, want to say thank you to YOU. You have no idea what it meant to be cheered on by so many amazing people as we have navigated through this past year. Not only was it a crazy year, but it was our first ever full calendar year in business as Petals and Stems. Without you, the year would have been a lot different. You are so very appreciated, beyond words. Thank you for being here and part of our journey. We thank you.
Now, lets go get 2021...ready...set....go!!!!