The short answer is 19 years in the industry, but since when do I stop at just the short answer?
In Jan. of 2001 I was welcomed into a flower shop family in the city of Lloydminster Ab/Sk.
It was there that I tapped into something I didn't even know existed within me. The ability to create art with flowers. It was there I learned much of what I still continue to rely on today.
In more recent years I have spent a number of months a year at Kathy's Greenhouse in Kitscoty Ab.
This has been another huge part of not only my story, but my development. At Kathy's Greenhouse, I had the privilege of spending time working in the greenhouse during early spring as well as out in the garden planting and picking throughout the fall. During the winter months, our focus would turn to outdoor arrangements, wreath designs, and table centers.
For years I have known, deep down inside of me that the day would come when I would be the owner of my own small business. Looking back, it wasn’t just one thing that has brought me here today, it has been an army of things. Both experience AND experiences. Not just what I did, but what I encountered while doing it.
I have come to realize just what I owe to my experiences. The good ones, the not so good and everything in between. These experiences have formed me, given me fuel for my fire, they have strengthened me. It has become so clear to me that the greatest moments and the moments that caused me discomfort were actually just guiding me to where I am today. All I can say is a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has had their hand in my journey.